Accountability 1
Leadership 2
Honesty 4
Innovation 5
Equity 6
Work by the objectives with a clear orientation to results, managing to communicate explicitly and assertively.
Personalized final customer experience solving problems, satisfying needs and fulfilling dreams with a good comprehensive service.
Rescue of the educational potential in each project to didactically socialize the information generated and the results obtained.
Learning by doing and researching by designing (research through design) based on three key axes: understand, apply and experiment.
Systematization of data, information and processes with business intelligence (business intelligence) and a Big Data approach (data science) achieving a data-driven culture (data driven).
Red A non-hierarchical network of collaborators with decision-making capacity within a system with clear rules of the game (rule making), but which is capable of supporting different ways of “playing” (game-playing).
Organizational structure
We work from the formation of teams (autonomous units) in a moderately dense network with connections between groups, within a framework of simple rules of interaction, feedback and pattern recognition, where autonomy, leadership, creativity and equity thrive.
We make decisions in groups of people rather than individuals. This results in more creative solutions for clients and allows team members to contribute ideas and solutions regardless of seniority, position or title.

Work team
Results statistics
- Germany
- Brazil
- Chile
- Colombia
- El Salvador
- United Arab Emirates
- Spain
- United States
- Guatemala
- Ireland
- Mexico
- Panama
- Peru
- Portugal
- Serbia

Join the bnzero community
Key milestones
“Go to” sustainable community is founded where 4 institutions work collaboratively on social, environmental and economic issues for the development of sustainable projects.
Infante Consultores is founded in Chile, specializing in energy efficiency and sustainability certifications for the real estate and construction market.
We are hired as consultants in energy efficiency and LEED certification of 17 new judicial centers and courts of appeals for the Judiciary of Chile.
Nos contratan como consultores del INFONAVIT (Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores) en el programa SISEVIVE ECOCASA del gobierno federal Mexicano.
Livet Consulting is founded in Mexico, a sustainable consultancy focused on energy efficiency, with the aim of designing Net Zero sustainable buildings.
We are hired as energy advisors of the Financial Cooperation Component of the Implementation Program of the New Housing NAMA in Mexico, with the German company Gesellschaft für Organisation Planung und Ausbildung GmbH (GOPA).
We joined as a teacher at the Universidad Anáhuac Norte in Mexico City of the Master's Degree in Architecture and Sustainability.
We joined as member of Development Committee CES Certification (Sustainable Building Certification) for Existing Buildings, developed by the Construction Institute in support with various Ministries in Chile.
Reviewers of the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) for Leiden projects in the categories Energy & Atmosphere and Indoor Environmental Quality.
We joined as a teacher of the ITESO Jesuit University of Guadalajara of the Master's degree in sustainable projects and building.
Three companies in sustainability consulting merged.
Se funda Go to comunidad sostenible donde trabajan de manera colaborativa 4 instituciones en temas sociales, ambientales y económicos para el desarrollo de proyectos sostenibles.
Se funda Infante Consultores en Chile, especializada en eficiencia energética y certificaciones de sostenibilidad para el mercado inmobiliario y de la construcción.
Consultores en eficiencia energética y certificación LEED de 17 nuevos centros judiciales y cortes de apelaciones para el Poder Judicial de Chile.
Consultores del INFONAVIT (Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores) en el programa SISEVIVE ECOCASA del gobierno federal mexicano.
Livet Consulting is founded in Mexico, a sustainable consultancy focused on energy efficiency, with the aim of designing Net Zero sustainable buildings.
Nos contratan como asesores energéticos del Componente de Cooperación Financiera del Programa Implementación de la NAMA de Vivienda Nueva en México, con la empresa alemana GOPA
We joined as a teacher at the Universidad Anáhuac Norte in Mexico City of the Master's Degree in Architecture and Sustainability.
Nos hacemos revisores para el United States Green Building Council (USGBC) para proyectos LEED
Nos integramos como miembro del Comité de desarrollo Certificación CES (Certificación Edificio Sostenible).
Nos integramos como docente del ITESO
Three companies in sustainability consulting merged.